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Increase people and team potential

We facilitate learning that unlocks high performance.

IMAGE - Culture of Coaching

The Performance Collaborative Affiliations

Our services

Our assessments are performance catalysts

Leadership 360's

Comprehensive multi-rater feedback tools designed to help career-minded individuals and leaders at any level of an organization gain a better understanding of how they are perceived by managers, peers, direct peers, direct reports, and others.

Team Climate

A study published in the Academy of Management Journal found that team climate was a significant predictor of team performance, explaining 26% of the variance in performance across teams. Is your workplace climate holding you back or moving you ahead?

Behavioral Data

It is our people and how they work together that make an organization great. Employee behavior is a reflection of the unique ways you and your co-workers contribute to the team and organization. By understanding how these behaviors manifest day to day, you can take steps to accommodate your people’s needs, and improve your team as a whole.


Awareness and responsibility are at the heart of performance.

Self-awareness It is foundational to personal growth and effective leadership, as it allows individuals to assess their strengths, cautions, and blind spots while understanding how they impact others and the environment around them.


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Internal obstacles are greater than external obstacles.

Internal obstacles can often be more challenging than external ones because they are rooted in our mindset, beliefs, and emotions. These barriers are not as visible as external challenges, yet they can significantly hinder progress and performance. This is true for individuals, teams, and organizations. 


IMAGE - Culture of Coaching

Before you set out to improve something, you must increase your awareness of the way it is.

When it comes to making meaningful improvements—whether in leadership, team performance, or personal development, —awareness is the critical first step. It’s tempting to jump straight into solutions, but without a clear understanding of the current state, efforts to improve can miss the mark.


Human potential grows with learning, experience, and self-awareness.